Roseclear Ultra Concentrate 200ml

    Roseclear Ultra Concentrate 200ml



    • RoseClear Ultra is a systemic insecticide and fungicide with 3 in 1 action.
    • It kills aphids, such as blackfly, greenfly and many more.
    • It controls blackspot, powdery mildew and rust.
    • It protects for up to 21 days to prevent further attacks.
    • RoseClear Ultra has been shown to be safe to many species and varieties of plants. However, it is always advisable to test a sample of plants, by treating them and leaving for a few weeks, before treating a large or valuable collection.
    • Spray at first sign of disease / aphid attack and repeat at 21-28 day intervals. If disease/aphids are already established, spray at intervals of 14 days.
    • Concentrated mixture which makes 20 litres.
    • Available in Lodge's Homevalue, Athboy.
    • Barcode: